Kasper Faunafood has a range of feeds, pellets and bars that perfectly meet the needs of different breeds of cattle and their young throughout the year.
Assortiment for adult cattle
The basis for good nutrition for cattle is a ration with plenty of roughage. Tasty meadow grass as soon as possible and silage grass, hay, straw, or silage corn as a supplement if meadow grass is not possible or only available to a limited extent. In addition to roughage, cattle also need concentrate to supplement the daily ration with necessary minerals, vitamins, and extra energy and protein. Important for good health, condition and growth. Kasper Faunafood has various concentrated feeds in its range such as pellets, mueslis and a bar.
Assortiment for young cattle
Newborn calves drink colostrum from the mother cow for the first few days. They will then continue to drink milk from the mother cow or can be started on artificial milk. It is then important that calves have unlimited access to good and tasty concentrates so that rumen development is stimulated.