packshot zoo specialties

ZOO Specialties diverse

Among diverse are the products for macropods like kangaroos and wallabies, omnivorous animals and donkeys

Recommended daily feed intake

For wallabies and kangaroos:
Wallabies: 250 grams per animal per day
Kangaroos: 500 grams per animal per day

For omnivorous animals:
Omnivorous animals eat about 1-2% of their body weight as feed. This feed is designed to be the base diet for all kind of omnivorous species. It should be fed in respect to their condition, stage of life, activity and the ambient temperature. Feed at least one third of their daily ratio with pellets.

For donkeys:
In summer, the daily ration consists of grass and hay supplemented with 100-250 grams of Muesli for donkeys. In winter and during gestation and lactation the portion of Muesli for donkeys may be increased by 50%.

ZOO Specialties diverse

Among diverse are the products for macropods like kangaroos and wallabies, omnivorous animals and donkeys

Soft Grass Mix

Soft Grass Mix is a complementary feed for grass-eating animals such as goats, sheep, deer, donkeys, horses, pigs, cattle, alpacas, ratites, turtles and wallabies. A mixture of grasses grown in Zeeland (NL) consisting of Timothy grass, Cocksfoot and Reed fescue grass.

Available in: 12,5kg (Article number 332200)

Kangaroo Macropods pellets

Complete feed for kangaroos. Kangaroo Pellets is a complete grower and maintenance feed for kangaroos and wallabies. It is fully based upon the nutritional needs of kangeroos and suitable for maintenance and growth conditions.

  • Pressed 4 mm pellet

  • Includes a high amount of vitamin E

  • Rich in polyunsaturated fats (linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid). These contribute to a healthy skin and coat. Linseed (flaxseed) is used as a natural source of alpha-linolenic acid

  • With organic bound zinc, manganese and copper to support locomotion, skin and hair, immunity and reproduction

Download the composition here
Available in: 20 kg (Item number: 281020)

Omnivorous pellets

Complementary feed for omnivorous species like brown and black bears, racoons, meerkats and skunks.

  • Pressed 10 mm pellet

  • Contains a high level of animal protein

  • Source of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

  • Contains fruit (apple, mango, plums, banana, cranberry), herbs (nettle, Echinacea, thyme, basil) and vegetables (carrot, tomato, celery)

  • With organic bound trace-element zinc, manganese, iron and copper for excellent absorption

  • Contains Spirulina and Taurine

Download the composition here
Available in: 20 kg (Item number: 254001)

Muesli for donkeys

Complementary feed for donkeys. Donkeys are frugal animals, which tend to fatten up if fed incorrectly or excessively. This is detrimental to the animals' health. In addition to coarse and long-stemmed hay, offer the muesli for donkeys for the necessary vitamins and minerals.

  • A muesli specially developed for donkeys

  • Contains a balanced level of vitamins and minerals for good health

  • The Muesli for donkeys contains a high level of fiber and is limited in the proportion of protein. The fiber comes mainly from oat hulls and alfalfa.

  • Muesli for donkeys is an indispensable part of the daily ration for healthy donkeys

Download the composition here
Available in: 20 kg (Article number: 332420)

Insectivore powder

Complete feed for all kinds of (partial) insectivorous animals like; Giant Anteater, Aardvarks, Tamanduas, Armadillos, Hedgehogs and other partial insectivorous pirmates and bats.

Insectivore powder is designed to meet the nutritional need of (partial) insectivorous animals. It contains a high fibre content to stimulate the high chitin content of insects.

Download the composition here
Available in: 8 kg (Item number: 250500)

Red Panda Powder

Complementary feed for red pandas. Red panda powder is designed to meet the nutritional need of red pandas. High fibre content to simulate the natural diet. It contains insects protein and egg protein, to simulate the small amount of animal protein in the natural diet.

Download the composition here
Available in: 8 kg (Item number: 250400)

Recommended daily feed intake

For wallabies and kangaroos:
Wallabies: 250 grams per animal per day
Kangaroos: 500 grams per animal per day

For omnivorous animals:
Omnivorous animals eat about 1-2% of their body weight as feed. This feed is designed to be the base diet for all kind of omnivorous species. It should be fed in respect to their condition, stage of life, activity and the ambient temperature. Feed at least one third of their daily ratio with pellets.

For donkeys:
In summer, the daily ration consists of grass and hay supplemented with 100-250 grams of Muesli for donkeys. In winter and during gestation and lactation the portion of Muesli for donkeys may be increased by 50%.

Zoo specialties brochure
pdf, 1.26MB
Zoo specialties brochure

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