
ZOO Specialties Pachyderms

Pellet and cake is available for all types of Pachyderms such as elephants. Find more information about the products here.

Recommended daily feed intake

Elephant pellets:
1 kg per 1000 kg body weight

Elephant bar:
3 bars per 1000 kg body weight (=500gram)

ZOO Specialties Pachyderms

Pellet and cake is available for all types of Pachyderms such as elephants. Find more information about the products here.

Elephant pellets

Complementary feed for elephants and most pachyderms species except black rhinoceros. Roughage is the main constituent of the food ration for these animals. The Elephant pellet has been developed to cover nutritional needs in terms of protein, energy, vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

  • A balanced pressed 8 mm pellet of vitamins and minerals for god health

  • High amount of Crude Fibre, NDF, ADF and ADL

  • Low in starch

  • Linseed (flaxseed) is used as a natural source of alpha-linolenic acid. Rich in polyunsaturated fats (linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid). These contribute to a healthy skin and coat.

  • High amount of Calcium to contribute to a healthy bone development

  • With mäerl (limestone of algae)

  • High amount of Biotin

  • With organic bound of zinc, manganese and copper to support locomotion, skin and hair, immunity and reproduction

Download the composition here

Available in: 20kg (Item number: 631820)

Elephant bar

Complementary feed for elephants and most pachyderms species except black rhinoceros. Roughage is the main constituent of the food ration for these animals. The Elephant Bar has been developed to cover nutritional needs in term of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

  • A balanced bar of vitamins and minerals for good health

  • High amount of Crude Fibre, NDF, ADF and ADL

  • Low in starch

  • Linseed (flaxseed) is used as a natural resource of alpha-linolenic acid. Rich in polyunsaturated fats (linoleic acid and alpha linoleic adic). These contribute tot a healthy bone development.

  • With mäerl (limestone of algae)

  • High amount of Biotin

  • With organic bound of zinc, manganese and copper to support locomotion, skin and hair, immunity and reproduction

Download the composition here

Available in: 20kg (Item number: 632820)

Recommended daily feed intake

Elephant pellets:
1 kg per 1000 kg body weight

Elephant bar:
3 bars per 1000 kg body weight (=500gram)

Zoo specialties brochure
pdf, 1.26MB
Zoo specialties brochure

Kasper Faunafood

Postbus 30
3440 AA Woerden

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